Embarrassed To See A Dermatologist? 4 Tips

Posted on: 29 May 2020

Dermatologists are experts at treating skin conditions, but the thing about skin conditions is that they can be embarrassing. As such, you might feel a bit shy and apprehensive about seeing a dermatologist about your skin conditions. Here are some tips to help you deal with your embarrassment and seek the care you need. Write down your questions ahead of time. When you're embarrassed, you may struggle to remember what you need to ask, or you may jumble your words and fail to get your point across.
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Should I Have My Mole Removed?

Posted on: 13 February 2020

If you have a mole, you might want to get it checked out by a dermatologist.  Read on to learn more. What is a mole? A mole is a common skin lesion that tends to appear early in life and may change slowly over the years.  It is normal for adults to have 10-40 of them.  Some may be visitors that appear and disappear during your lifetime.  Others may have a lifelong presence.
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This Is Why It's So Important To Use UV Protection After A Skin Cancer Diagnosis

Posted on: 3 February 2020

When you're given a diagnosis of skin cancer, you might think that the time to protect your skin is behind you, at least until your cancer is defeated. While it's easy to think this, it's not actually true. It's important to protect your skin starting now, continuing through your treatment, and then finally once your treatment is complete and you're cancer-free. Here's what you need to know about protecting your skin.
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How A Dermatologist Can Help People Address Acne Issues

Posted on: 25 January 2020

Having acne is pretty common today, but if you have it everywhere, you may be extremely stressed. If nothing you have tried has worked, it may be necessary to work with a dermatologist. They can help you deal with this all-too common skin condition in the following ways.  Provide an Individualized Plan Not everyone has the same type of skin and acne problems. These can actually vary quite a bit from patient to patient.
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